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Minutes from CEGSS committee meeting

Minutes from CEGSS committee meeting, September 6, 2011, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, held during the 17th ISSS Symposium

List of participants:

Prof. Dr. Dušan BEREK, Slovak Chemical Society, Bratislava, Slovakia;

Prof. Dr. Boguslaw BUSZEWSKI, Polish Chemical Society, Torun, Poland;

Dr. Virginia COMAN, Romanian Chemical Society, Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

Dr. Modest GERTSIUK, Ukrainian Chromatographic Society, Kiev, Ukraine;

Prof. Dr. Pavel JANDERA, Czech Chemical Society, Pardubice, Czech Republic;

Prof. Dr. Imre KLEBOVICH, Hungarian Society for Separation Sciences, Budapest, Hungary;

Prof. Dr. Danilo CORRADINI, Rome, Italy, instead of

Prof. Dr. Corrado SARZANINI (Italian Chemical Society), Torino, Italy;

Dr. Nikola ŠEGUDOVIĆ, Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers, Zagreb, Croatia;

Dr. Irena VOVK, Ljubljana, Slovenia, instead of

Prof. Dr. Lucjia KRALJ-ZUPANČIĆ, Slovenian Chemical Society, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Other present persons:

Prof. Dr. Josef LEHOTAY (Chairman of the Scientific Committee of 13th ISSS, High Tatras), Bratislava, Slovakia;

Prof. Dr. Attila FELINGER (Chairman of HPLC’2011, EuSSS Treasurer), Pécs, Hungary.


Not present CEGSS committee members:

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang BUCHBERGER, Austrian Society for Analytical Chemistry, Linz, Austria.



1. Minutes from the last CEEGS meeting, Rome, Italy, September 6, 2010, in the frame of 16th ISSS.

2. CEEGS auspice symposium in the future.

3. New members of CEGSS.

4. Awards from Rome and Cluj-Napoca.

5. Miscellaneous.


CEGSS meeting was opened by Dr. Virginia COMAN. The discussions and the decisions taken during this meeting can be summarized as follows:


1. Minutes of the last CEGSS meeting held during the 16th ISSS Symposium in September 7, 2010, in Rome, Italy were accepted unanimously.

For the very well organization of the 16th ISSS symposium with high scientific level, the CEEGS Committee decided unanimously to award Prof. Dr. Danilo CORRADINI and Prof. Dr. Corrado SARZANINI with the CEGSS medals.


2. Dr. Virginia COMAN informed that at the symposium are registered 212 participants (teachers, senior and young researchers, doctors, PhD students, Master students, students, chemists, pharmacists, engineers), 74 coming from abroad (18 countries from Europe and Asia: England, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, France, Georgia, Germany, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Ukraine) and 138 from the country. She showed that the scientific programme includes 32 plenary lectures of invited speakers (29 from abroad), 19 oral and 7 podium poster communications and 52 poster presentations. 

Dr. Virginia Coman expressed her gratitude to the participants, to all invited speakers for their valuable contribution to the 17th ISSS and also to the companies which participated to the exhibition with equipments and accessories and also with seven Vendor and one Demo seminars.

Dr. Virginia Coman also informed about the two winners of awards offered by 17th ISSS CEGSS at 16th ISSS in Rome. The PhD Student Kieu THI NGOC NGUYEN, University of Genova, Italy, was contacted and she participates at the symposium benefiting by free registration fee and free accommodation. Unfortunately, Ivan ŠPÁNIK from Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovak Republic did not answer to the repeatedly sent emails.


3. In 2012, the 18-ISSS Symposium will be held in Toruń under the auspices of CEGSS together with the 29th International Symposium on Chromatography (29th ISC). In 2013 the 19th ISSS will be held in Croatia and for 2014 the final decision will be taken during the Toruń Symposium, most perhaps in Austria or as an alternative in Ukraine.


4. Instead of Dr. Nikola ŠEGUDOVIĆ, starting from January 1, 2012 the representative of the Croatian Society of Chemist Engineers will be Prof. Dr. Tomislav BOLANČA (official paper in Annex 1). Regarding the Slovenian Chemical Society, instead of Prof. Dr. Lucjia KRALJ-ZUPANČIĆ the representative member will be Irena VOVK, official decision will be given very soon (Annex 2).


5. Dr. Nikola ŠEGUDOVIĆ will coordinate in the future all activities of CEGSS together with the president in charge.


6. As a tradition of the ISSS symposium, three students will be awarded with the 17th ISSS best posters and will participate at the 18th ISSS Symposium in Toruń. These awards consist in free registration fee and free accommodation during the 18th ISSS symposium for each winner. These three awards are offered by professor Buszewski, the president of CEGSS, EuSSS and Polish Chemical Society.

Other awards are offered by:

Chromatographia - three awards, each consisting of 1 free subscription on-line/2012


Taylor&Francis - two awards, each consisting of books in value of 200 Euro and of journal of Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, offered by the Editor-in-chief Prof. Hartmut Frank.

All winners of the 17th ISSS Symposium are presented in Annex 3.


7. All present members stressed the very well organization of the 17th ISSS Symposium with high scientific level. Special notice was devoted to the president of scientific and organization committee, Virginia COMAN.


8. Once again it was confirmed that 18th ISSS will be held in Toruń in 2012, together with 29th ISC Symposium. All participants strongly support Prof. Dr. Boguslaw BUSZEWSKI in his attempt to organize these symposia in Poland in September 9-13, 2012, involving in organisation the CEGSS, NoSSS, EuSSS and ISC committees.


9. The presidency of CEEGS for September 2011 to September 2012 is passing from Dr. Virginia COMAN to Professor Boguslaw BUSZEWSKI