Error message

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Minutes of the CEGSS representatives meeting held in Rome

Minutes of the CEGSS representatives meeting held in Rome (Italy) on September 8 during the 16th ISSS (draft 2).

The meeting of the CEGSS representatives was held on Wednesday September 8 at 17.30 – 19.00 in the press room of the Conference Hall at the CNR Headquarter in Rome. Herewith is the list of the participants:

Slovakia: Dusan Berek and Josef Lehotary (guest)

Czech Republic: Pavel Jandera

Ucraina: Modest Gertsink

Slovenia: Helena Prosen in substitution of Lucija Zupancic-Kralj

Hungary: Imre Klebovich

Austria: Wolfgang Buchberger

Italy: Corrado Sarzanini and Danilo Corradini

Poland: Boguslav Buszewski

Romania: Virginia Coman

Croatia: Nikola Segudovic


At the beginning of the meeting Danilo Corradini, also on the behalf of Prof. Sarzanini and the Organizing Committee of the 16th ISSS, expressed his gratitude to the participants of the CEGSS meeting and all invited speakers for their valuable participation to the 16th ISSS. He informed that 230 registered participants coming from 34 different countries, distributed over 4 continents (Europe, North and South America, Asia, and Africa), were attending the Symposium. Further information included details on the scientific program, comprising 56 oral communications in plenary and parallel sessions, 126 posters (122 included in the Final Program plus 4 last minute posters) distributed in three sessions and 8 poster from podium communications presented by young scientists. In addition the Participants to the meeting received the information on the assignment of five Best Posters awards. Two poster awards were sponsored by Chromatographia (two one-year free subscriptions to the magazine), two by the Organizing Committee of the 17th ISSS (two free registration at the 17th ISSS), and one by Dionex (one palmar computer).


The Members of the CEGSS confirmed that Dr. Virginia Coman received the responsibility to organize the 17th ISSS in Cluj-Nepoca, Romania on September 5 - 9, 2011. Dr. Virginia Coman informed that the Symposium will be held in the Congress Hall of the Napoca Grand Hotel, located in the city centre at walking distance from the main touristic attractions of Cluj-Nepoca and that further information on the 17th ISSS will be available on the Symposium webpage (17th It was decided that the 18th ISSS will be organized by Prof. Boguslaw Buszewski. Dr. Nikola Šegudović announced that the most probable organizer of 19th CEGSS symposium (2013) will be Croatia . Prof. Wolfgang Buchberger announced that the probable organizer of 20th CEGSS symposium (2014) will be Austria. The Central European Group for Separation Sciences Award has been presented during the 16th ISSS to Prof. Dr. Boguslav Buszewski “for enormous activities to extend a role and position of CEGSS as a scientific and research society” and to Dr. Dusan Berek “for a long term support of CEGSS activities.


The meeting has also been attended by Dr. Helena Kazoka who informed that the 6th Nordic Separation Science Conference will be held in Riga, Latvia, on August 24-27, 2011. Dr. Šegudović requested to insert in the Minutes that “all so far collected CEGSS documentation will be transfer in near future from Imre Klebovich over Danilo Corradini to Virginia Coman”.


Danilo Corradini.